Muskogee City Council, Redevelopment Authority — GLANCE | News |

2022-08-13 05:44:56 By : Mr. Jenson Yang

A mainly sunny sky. High 96F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph..

Clear skies. Low 68F. Winds light and variable.

During a regular meeting Monday of the City Council, city councilors took the following action:

• Claims for all City departments July 9, 2022 through July 22, 2022.

• Spending up to the approved budgeted amounts for Xerox, Dell Computers, 911 Trust, Routeware, and Tyler Technologies.

• Lease Amendment No. P00009 with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs extending the Parking Lease at Hatbox to September 30, 2025.

• Reject all proposals received for preparation of a revised Comprehensive Plan for the City of Muskogee, and direct Staff to revise the scope of work and/or increase the budget for said project.

• Purchase from State Contract SW192, one (1) Case 721G ZBAR Wheel Loader, for use in the Public Works Streets Department from OCT Equipment, LLC, in the amount of $247,578.20.

• Purchase of one (1) Accu Batch Brine Maker from Cargill, for use in the Public Works Streets Department, in the amount of $33,492.00, through Muskogee Sourcewell, Member ID:17934, Cargill Sourcewell, Contract # 052919-CGI, or take other necessary action.

• Purchasing two (2) 60-gallon sprayers and spreaders in the amount of $26,298.00, from Top Equipment via Sourcewell Contract, for use in the Environmental Control Division.

• Purchasing one (1) 144" Xmark Mower, in the amount of $63,999.00, through Omnia Partners (Contract Entity) from Marvin's Mowers, for use in the Environmental Control Division.

• Appointment of Stacy Alexander to the Board of Adjustment, to serve a three (3) year term, filling the expired term of Bo Highers, beginning August 1, 2022, and ending on July 31, 2025.

• Appointment of Russell Sain to the Planning and Zoning Commission, to serve a three (3) year term, filling the expired term of Michelle Shirley, beginning August 1, 2022, and ending on July 31, 2025.

• Appointment of Art Smith to the Uniform Building Code Appeals Board (UBCAB), to serve a five (5) year term, filling the expired term of Danny Tracy, beginning August 1, 2022, and ending on July 31, 2027.

• Reappointment of Chris Condley to the Muskogee Medical Center Authority, to serve a full seven (7) year term, beginning June 1, 2022, and ending on May 31, 2029.

• Appointment of Betty Blackwell to the Planning and Zoning Commission, to serve a three (3) year term, filling the expired term of Paige Frix, beginning August 1, 2022, and ending on July 31, 2025.

• Appointment of Evelyn Hibbs to the Street Improvement Advisory Board to serve a five (5) year term, replacing Dr. Samuel Craig, beginning August 1, 2022, and ending on July 31, 2027.

• Appointment of Lake Moore to the Board of Adjustment, to serve a three (3) year term, beginning August 1, 2022, and ending on July 31, 2025, or take other necessary action.

• Denied the appeal for a Specific Use Permit submitted by Tory Sanders and Daryl Anderson Logan (applicants) to allow for a Medical Marijuana cultivation/grow within the C-2, General Commercial District, more specifically a property located at 215 S. B St.

• Took no action on report from the Muskogee City-County Port Authority regarding their Industrial Development projects, goals, and activities for 2022.

• Approved motion to provide a Letter of Support to the Muskogee Tourism Authority concerning its submission of a proposal to host the NJCAA Region Championship basketball tournament in Muskogee for 2023-2026, as well as, authorizing the Interim City Manager to negotiate and execute any documents necessary to attract the same, including any financial or facility commitments that may be required.

• Approved engaging Holloway, Updike & Bellen for engineering services related to the West Okmulgee Street Overlay Project, from Main Street to 17th Street, in an amount not to exceed $51,800.

• Stricken from agenda the payment of an invoice in the amount of $27,000 to the Muskogee War Memorial Trust, representing a portion of funds allocated in support of the same.

• Approved purchase of replacement time clocks for our Executime system from Tyler Technologies in an amount not to exceed the budgeted amount of $53,658.

• Approved development of a plan to combat graffiti within the Corporate Limits of the City.

• Approved appointment of Perline Boyattia-Craig as Ward III Councilor, effective August 9, 2022, to serve until the next regular election in accordance with City Charter 2:06 filling the vacancy in said Council seat created by the resignation of Ivory Vann, as Ward III Councilor.

• Upon return from Executive Session:

a. No action taken to discuss negotiations with the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local No. 2465.

b. No action taken to discuss negotiations with the International Association of Firefighters, Local No. 57.

During a regular meeting Monday of the Muskogee Redevelopment Authority, councilors took the following action:

• Approval of minutes of July 18, 2022

• Approved one-time salary adjustment for employees of the Authority, in the same amount granted to non-uniform employees of the City in July 2022 from the dedicated sales tax established by Ordinance No. 3670-A.

• Approved the appointment of an Interim General Manager.

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